General Practice Workforce providing Primary Care services in Australia


The Department of Health and Aged Care manages workforce data collections which describe the characteristics of the general practice workforce providing primary care services.

Statistics are presented by State and Territory and Remoteness Area. More detailed statistics by patient age group or the sex of the general practitioner are available for select statistics.

For background information on how the metrics are calculated, Method papers for counting General Practitioners delivering primary care services.

Annual Statistics Coverage

  • Number of GPs providing primary care services
  • Number of services by GPs providing primary care services
  • GP Full Time Equivalent

Please note: As part of the February 2023 updates to the General Practice workforce statistics all historical financial year and calendar year data has been revised. This revision is due to method updates to who is considered a GP in the Medicare dataset, and some updates to the GP FTE calculation to account for temporary COVID related items. The revision has resulted in minor changes to some measure values. If you have previously downloaded the data, we strongly recommend you use the latest version published.