Summary Statistics for the Medical Profession, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Summary Statistics for the Nursing and Midwifery Professions, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Summary Statistics for all registered professions by state, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Summary Statistics for all registered professions by remoteness area, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Summary Statistics for all registered professions by Modified Monash Model, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Summary Statistics for all registered professions, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
Information on the way general practitioners are counted including Full Time Equivalent (FTE) and calculating their work effort providing primary care services
Summary Statistics for all registered professions, populated with statistics from the Health Workforce Data Tool using the National Health Workforce Dataset (NHWDS)
The Medical Education and Training (MET) factsheets provide a comprehensive picture of medical education and training in Australia as well as the supply of medical practitioners from overseas. ‘MET3’ is the third data collection in the MET series bringing together the latest information from a range of sources.
The Medical Education and Training (MET) factsheets provide a comprehensive picture of medical education and training in Australia as well as the supply of medical practitioners from overseas. ‘MET3’ is the third data collection in the MET series bringing together the latest information from a range of sources.
The Medical Education and Training (MET) factsheets provide a comprehensive picture of medical education and training in Australia as well as the supply of medical practitioners from overseas. ‘MET2’ is the second data collection in the MET series bringing together the latest information from a range of sources.